Client: VICTOR VIDAL PAZ, Barcelona – Spain

Victor Vidal Paz, a multicreative Catalan born in Barcelona, Spain is the author of the book “Secrets for your Inner Warrior.” Apart from publishing 5 other books on short stories and multi-dimensional photography, he has also conceived and produced numerous CDs on fusion music; 7 CDs with the Indian bamboo flute master “Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia”, 2 CDs with Cuban musicians like “Tata Güines”, “German Velazco” and “Changuito,” and 4 other CDs with Indonesian and Moroccan musicians. He introduced the tabla and the djembe in the Sundanese, Balinese music (Bamboo Gamelan) and Moroccan.

The love for people and music has led him to travel 97.000 kilometers overland in Africa researching music and culture. His other adventures include living with ethnic tribes in the most natural enviroment namely the Hyxkariana of the Brazilian Amazon, the Adivasis of India, the Dagun Danis of New Guinea, and the Himbas of Namibia. He is able to speak 12 languages.

Already in his twenties, he has worked as a war correspondent during the Vietnam and Cambodian war. Sub-sequently, he became a Spanish tutor in the University of New South Wales, Sydney. He has also performed drum solo concerts under the stage name “Django Mango.” Currently, he is working on music documentary series on Indonesia, Africa and Turkey.

He lives in both Bali and Brazil.

Design Done: No Stress Music CD Cover Design

No Stress Music (One with Nature)


Titles of the Pieces:

  1. Respect Nature for it is the work of God
  2. Song to the Birds
  3. Shadow of the Bamboo in the Moon Light
  4. Song to the Rati, the Goddess of the Night
  5. The Wind Whispering a Song of Freedom
  6. No Stress
  7. Listen to the Inner Sound
  8. Nature is the Supreme Guru
  9. Song to Dewi Pertiwi the Earth Goddess
  10. Looking in the Mirror of the Moon
  11. Nature is Superior
  12. Poem to the Wind

Cover Photograph by Vidal Paz alias Django Mango
