Puteri Bali Spanduk Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is owner of Wienpro, the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Pemilihan Puteri Bali 2011 Spanduk Design

Puteri Bali 2011 Banner Design

Design Baliho promosi malam penobatan Puteri Bali 2011 Sekapur Sirih dari Panitia: Pemilihan Puteri Indonesia, merupakan kegiatan tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh YAYASAN PUTRI INDONESIA dan PT. MUSTIKA RATU, Tbk yang mana kegiatan utamanya adalah mencari remaja (putri) Indonesia berbakat dan berprestasi yang mempunyai perhatian dan wawasan luas terhadap kepariwisataan, peningkatan ekspor produk-produk Indonesia, dan berbudaya […]

Charity Dinner Invitation Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is a event organizer of Komunitas Peduli Bali – Community that cares for Bali – a community forum that initiated by Parasparos, Bali Tourism Board, Bali Post Group, KADIN Bali, BTDC, INTI Bali, Rotary Bali,  Bali Social Department, Kuta Executive Club, Yayasan Sapta Dharma, Bali Villa Association, Bali Hotel Association, Forum Study […]

Sadar Wisata charter Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is owner of Wienpro, the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Sadar Wisata Piagam/ Charter Design for Fixed Cup Bali Governor

Sound of Spirit CD label Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is owner of Wienpro, the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Sound of Spirit CD Label Design The CD Sound of Spirit “Seruling Dewata” by Drs. I Ketut Nantra (Sesepuh ke IX)

Rotary Club Invitation Cards Design

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: The Rotarians in Harmonys Post Card Design by Rotary Club of Bali Denpasar District 3400 Desa Budaya Kesiman, Kertalangu Thursday/ June 25’09/06.00-09.00pm Door prizes, Change Over […]

Gong BaliDwipa Billboard Designs

Client: Nurliza, Denpasar-Bali Nurliza is “Wienpro” staff, one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Disain keperluan acara Penarikan Undian Gratis berhadiah Gong Bali Dwipa oleh Bank BPD-Bali Other Design: + Gong Bali Dwipa Baliho/ Billboard + Gong Bali […]

Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 Street Banner2 Designs

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 Street Banner 2 Designs Other Designs: + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” T-shirt and Hat design + “Bank BPD Bali Golf […]

Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 street banner Designs

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 Street Banner Designs Other Designs: + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” T-shirt and Hat design + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” […]

Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 t-shirt and hat Designs

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 T-shirt and Hat Designs Other Design: + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” street banner design + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” […]

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