Design Done: Kongres III ATLI 2013 Umbul-umbul / Banner Design

Client: Icha, Denpasar-Bali Icha is “Wienpro” staff, one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Kongres III ATLI (Asosiasi Tuna Longline Indonesia) 2013 Flag/BannerDesign Theme: ATLI sebagai wadah inspirasi anggotanuya dalam mewujudkan usaha perikanan yang berkelanjutan dan berdaya saing. Sanur Paradise Hotel, […]

BUZZ BAKEHOUSE Poster design

Poster Design of: “BUZZ BAKEHOUSE” AUSTRALIAN BITE PIE COMPANY, provide you a high quality selection of bread, cakes, deserts and Australian style pies, pasties, sausage rolls. We also provide oven ready frozen items and baker’s helpers Retail door sales are available at our factory Client: Mr. David Horovitz

Puteri Bali Spanduk Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is owner of Wienpro, the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Pemilihan Puteri Bali 2011 Spanduk Design

Munas HIPMI Cover Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is a member of HIPMI Bali Design Done: Munas HIPMI Cover Design Musyawarah Nasional XIII HIMPUNAN PENGUSAHA MUDA INDONESIA Dalam Thema: “Kebangkitan Pengusaha Muda Menuju Indonesia  yang Sejahtera, Tangguh & Berdaya Saing” Sub Tema: ”Memantapkan Sinergi Dunia Usaha dan Pemerintah dalam Memacu Perekonomian Nasional Menuju Terwujudnya Kebangkitan Ekonomi Bangsa yang Berbasis […]

Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 Street Banner2 Designs

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 Street Banner 2 Designs Other Designs: + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” T-shirt and Hat design + “Bank BPD Bali Golf […]

Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 street banner Designs

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament 2010 Street Banner Designs Other Designs: + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” T-shirt and Hat design + “Bank BPD Bali Golf Tournament” […]

Bank Mandiri Event

Client: WienPro, Denpasar-Bali Wienpro is one of the service providers in the field of meetings, incentive, convention, exhibition of creative, communicative, innovative, fun and professional in Bali Design Done: Grand Launching KANWIL XI DENPASAR Stage Background Design

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