PT Solar System Business Card Design

Client: PT. Solar System Indonesia Kuta – Bali Design Done: PT Solar System Business Card Design Other Design: + “PT Solar System” Letter Head, Envelope [Design] + “Sunny Boy” Advertising for Bali Advertizer [Design] + “PT Solar System” Webpage design Website:

Munas HIPMI Cover Design

Client: Wiwien, Denpasar-Bali Wiwien is a member of HIPMI Bali Design Done: Munas HIPMI Cover Design Musyawarah Nasional XIII HIMPUNAN PENGUSAHA MUDA INDONESIA Dalam Thema: “Kebangkitan Pengusaha Muda Menuju Indonesia  yang Sejahtera, Tangguh & Berdaya Saing” Sub Tema: ”Memantapkan Sinergi Dunia Usaha dan Pemerintah dalam Memacu Perekonomian Nasional Menuju Terwujudnya Kebangkitan Ekonomi Bangsa yang Berbasis […]

Two Buttons Invoice Design

Client: JOSE NUNES, Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Jose Nunes is Owners Business of Importes of world’s wonders Design Done: Two Buttons Invoice Design [Design and Printing] Other Designs: + “two buttons” Postcard [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Letter Head, and Price Tag [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Brochure and Post Card [Design and […]

UD Salam Business Card

Client: AHMAD RIZA A., Denpasar – Bali – Indonesia Ahmad Riza A. is Owners Business of UD SALAM Denpasar Bali. Distributor of Kemfoods Products “Sauses and Delicatessen” Design Done: + “UD Salam” Logo Design + “UD Salam” Design of: Business Card, Invoice book, and Price tag [Design] + “UD Salam” Advertise design of Poster on […]

Two Buttons Voucher Design

Client: JOSE NUNES, Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Jose Nunes is Owners Business of Importes of world’s wonders Design Done: two buttons voucher 2010 Other Design: + “two buttons” Postcard [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Letter Head, Invoice, and Price Tag [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Brochure [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Website […]

Two Buttons PVC Card

Client: JOSE NUNES, Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Jose Nunes is Owners Business of Importes of world’s wonders Design Done: two buttons pvc card 2010 Other Design: + “two buttons” Postcard, PVC Card [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Letter Head, Invoice, and Price Tag [Design and Printing] + “two buttons” Brochure [Design and Printing] + […]

Ketemulagi Orchids Business Card

Client: BENY ARIAWAN RIANGSA, Karangasem – Bali – Indonesia Beny Ariawan Riangsa is Owners Business Orchid Garden Laboratory and Nursery leading in the region of Karangasem Bali. Beny sell >15,000 potted orchids of various sizes all over to Indonesia. A total of 75% type dendrobium. The rest Vanda and phalaenopsis. Start business since 2000 Design […]

Gruezi Promotion Business Card

Client: AXEL GUTGESELL, Riehen Gatternweg, Germany Axel Gutgesell is Owners Business Gruezi Promotion Design Done: Gruezi Promotion Business Card Other Design: + “Gruezi Promotion” Logo Design + “Gruezi Promotion” Design of: Envelope, Letter Head and Business Card [Design] + “Gruezi Promotion” Website design & development Website: [close] B98D2F5F-A9DF-D861-FA8A-3D8E9F323780 1.02.28

Asien Design Import Business Card

Client: AXEL GUTGESELL, Riehen – Switzerland Axel Gutgesell is the owner of asien design import grosshandel : möbel, wohnaccessoirs, textilien, schmuck, geschenke, bali import wholesale: furnitures, living accessories, textiles, jewelry, gift… Design Done: + “Asien Design Import” Logo Design + “Asien Design Import” Design of: Letter Head and Business Card + “Asien Design Import” […]

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