AIRBALI Safety Briefing Card Design


Dewa Ruci Building, Jl.By Pass Ngurah Rai 100X, Kuta Bali – Indonesia

Design Done by “dikDesign”: The Safety Briefing Card Design for AIR BALI

One the front side:
SAFETY BRIEFING CARD Bell 407 Helicopter
1. Mendekati / meninggalkan pesawat harus dari / ke daerah di depan pesawat yang aman dan terlihat dari kokpit
Approaching / leaving aircraft must be in the safe area in front of the aircraft and could be seen from the cockpit

2.Mendekati / meninggalkan pesawat dalam posisi merundukkan badan.
Approach / leave the aircraft in bending position

3. Atur barang bawaan anda dengan rapih agar tidak berserakan pada saat mendekati / meninggalkan pesawat
Organized your belongings when approaching / leaving the aircraft to avoid things scattered

4. Dilarang mengangkat barang bawaan / alat melebihi tinggi kepala anda
Do not raised your belongings above your head height


5. Gunakan sabuk pengaman selama penerbangan
Fasten seat belt during entire flight

Sabuk pengaman dapat dibuka setelah ada instruksi dari awak pesawat
Unfasten your seat belt only when instructed by the aircraft crew

6. Pintu pesawat hanya boleh dibuka saat pesawat Life Vest user guide berada pada posisi di darat
Doors maybe open only when aircraft is firmly on the ground position

7. Dilarang menggunakan telephone cellular / barang elektronik lainnya dalam pesawat (penggunaan barang-barang tersebut akan mengganggu sistim navigasi pesawat)
Do not operate cellular phone / other electronics instruments in the aircraft (utilizing these instrument may interfere with aircraft navigation system)

8. Cara menggunakan Life Vest
Life Vest user guide

Posted on February 19, 2012

Category : Graphic Designs &Promotion / Advertising

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About dikDesign

Hello. My name is Didik Wahyudiadi. I’m a professional art graphic designer, owner and working from Studio Canggu, Bali, Indonesia. This is my portfolio showcasing a variety of personal and commercial projects. During the early and mid-eighties I worked in different company, as a decoration crew, promotion staff in “Tiara Dewata Group” supermarket, Denpasar. At the same time I got involved in a graphic designer in garment company, t-shirt designer and interior designer team. In the early-nineties I worked in “Indographs” the printing house company on the center of Kuta – Bali. Basically we enjoyed our youth and had a good time also got the new experience.

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